METAL EYELETS / STAPLES metal eyelet for banners, canvas covers, nets, sails, clothing and lether products<br /> tools and eyeleting machines<br /> metal elements for canvas covers<br /> elastic cables, PPF ropes<br /> LOXX / TENAX fasteners METAL RINGS, HOOKS, CLAMPS D-ring<br /> wire frame<br /> buckles / regulators<br /> carabiner snap hooks CAMPING ARTICLES frames for caravan awnings, tents - steel and aluminium<br /> poles, pole sortyment to end and connect<br /> equipment for tents and caravan awnings - pins, pegs, pulling ropes, tighteners<br /> tent impregnants - waterproof spray, seam sealer BACKPACK FRAMES backpack external aluminium pole frames<br /> internal aluminium and steel stiffeners for backpack, bags and orthopaedic sortiment<br /> elements to fasten backpack to the frame<br /> metal equipment for military and scout backpacks DISPLAYS - ADVERT FRAMES pole flag system - winder / batfun / beach flag<br /> pole advert construction / table tennis band<br /> bannerfastening sticks SPECIAL PRODUCTION bent-wire products<br /> boat-tubbing - aluminium and stainless steel<br /> special production on power press CONTACT ul. Limanowskiego 111 A, 91-334 Łódź 42 651 2881 603 780 055 695 785 777 ADDRESS WRITE TO US Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie podanych przeze mnie danych przez Cori-PWM, ul. Romanowska 55A/28 91-174, Łódź w celu realizacji przesłanego przeze mnie zgłoszenia kontaktowego